Tuesday 21 February 2012

Living it up!

Our bedroom
I’ve had my first few weeks in my new house….and survived!  No electricity or running water.  The house is basic but does the job.
The house is in a compound with 5 other houses.  The family of one of my colleagues lives next door and they look after us and help us out, they also keep tabs on us and know exactly our movements which get reported back...no getting away with anything here!!

Our kitchen!
The worst experience so far was waking up in the middle of the night with a cockroach in our bed!!!

                                               Our living room....which we never use!

I have become quite good at cooking on a charcoal  fire, the time it takes me to light is reducing from 45 minutes.....to perhaps 25 now!

Me cooking...got the trusty head torch

Heres us cooking a local Liberian dish...although 
without the meat or fish and preparing for a night

Me sorting the potatoe greens, traditional Liberian food

Agustine fanning me whilst cooking.....its hot work!
Great sunburn too!

Ready to cook

Augustine and Chelsea with our favourite local tipple, cane juice