Saturday 28 January 2012

Prison Visit No.2

The straw thing is a man with a traditional mask on,
quite entertaining.
 After having visited the prison on Thursday and seen for myself the overcrowded and dilapidated building Friday brought a more hopeful prison visit.  An invitation to Second Chance came from the assistant Minister for Justice to the ground breaking ceremony at the site of the new prison that is to be built to replace the current one.

Me wearing my Second Chance T-Shirt

It was quite a random event, to just celebrate the beginning of the building, which may start in the next few weeks!!

The Vice President attended and gave a speech; several other people gave speeches including the village elder who gave the government the land and the Minister for Justice.  She spoke very passionately about the development of the justice system in Liberia and the plans they have for the new prison.  
The Vice President official breaking the ground.

It gave me hope after having seen the state of the current prison, and was left feeling positive.

The need for proper rehabilitation was stressed and the Vice President even said that ‘the prisoners need a second chance’….good advertising!

Now we need to see these things happening.

Jana, Sumo, Chelsea, William, Me, kaba

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