Saturday 28 January 2012

Second Chance Africa.

Thought I should tell you a bit more about the organisation I am working for, the reason I am here.

Second Chance Africa is a small organistion with big ideas.  It is run by a group of inspirational people. 

The mission:
Peace building through free mental health services for survivors of war and conflict

Who they help:
- War affected youth (former child soldiers)
- Post war Liberian children
- Orphans
- Refugees
- Former combatants
- Victims of rape & domestic violence (male & female)
- Drug Dependents
- Inmates and former inmates
- Parents & teachers
The Liberian population as a whole benefits from reduction of  crime and violence led by war, trauma and poverty.

How they help:
  • Direct clinical services for psychological rehabilitation of post- war and post conflict individuals (war perpetrators and victims) in various communities, prison compounds, and refugee camps.
  • Preventive childhood clinical intervention at schools, orphanages and communities to attend the needs of post- war children at risk for intergenerational trauma, and domestic abuse.
  • Fighting Crime and Poverty by raising our participant’s skills for employment and social economic stability through skills training, literacy, and basic education scholarships.
  • Reconciliation of war perpetrators and war victims by lowering stigmatization of former child soldiers, combatants, and inmates, through helping them to integrate back into communities.
  • Empowerment of the population with psychological education through community workshops and radio broadcasts about mental health conditions, drug abuse, and parenting skills.
  • Psychiatric and neuroscience research in commitment to clinical excellence, for the development of culturally sensitive psychological intervention in Africa.
  • Advocacy and development of the mental health field for Liberia by assisting the Liberian Mental Health Ministry with fundraising, professional training of Liberians, overseas awareness, and free international consulting services as a member of the Liberian Mental Health Advocacy Committee.

Go to the website for more information

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